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Fairy Tale's and G.I. Joe's

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Days

Smushed face kisses. Neck squeezes. 3 year old hugging and kissing baby brother in my belly. Dog whining for squirrels. Dishes. Snacks. Lunch. Laundry. Precious Moments children's CD. "Momma why are they taking about butt's?" When they are actually taking about flood's. Attempted quiet time. Crafts. Dog in the trash. Doorbell rings, "crap, I'm not dressed yet!". 3 year old running and screaming just because. Look at dry erase calender only to realize I haven't even changed the month. More hugs and smushed face kisses. "just let me go potty by myself please, no, I don't need your help honey." More dishes, this time with the 3 year old doing her own on her side. Attempt to walk the husky/chow mix while 9 months pregnant. Eating pretend pancakes. Snuggle time.

I LOVE being a stay at home mom and wife and doing all of these things. I am ready to have this baby boy and get back to really cooking, cleaning, gardening, photography, and really playing and exercising. This light duty is starting to make me a little crazy, but I'll take it because it is so beyond with it. I can't wait to add baby boy craziness to the mix!



Welcome to Fairy Tale's and G.I. Joe's! I'm so excited to be setting off on this new adventure into the blogging world. Bear with me as I learn the ropes and make mistakes (it's inevitable...right?).

I'll start by introducing myself a little. My name is Katrina and I am a Stay at Home Mom of soon to be 2 children. I have an amazing little girl who just turned 3, and I am pregnant with our little boy who will be here very soon (like 2 weeks or so!) and I am so ready and so excited! I love to write, cook, teach, sew, read, coupon, and spend time with my family. I am an amateur photographer, learning more about photography everyday! If you want to check out some of my work go here. I will also post some of my work on this site. This blog will be about all those things and more. I hope you enjoy and I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

God Bless


DIY Monthly Goal's for 2012

One of my goals for 2012 is to complete a DIY project each month. Just one a month. Something new and fun, yet practical and something useful.

January- homemade detangler. I used a small spray bottle and Infusium 23 leave in hair repair with a little water. The Infusium is made to actually use alone but DD and I have fine/thin hair so it is better for us to add some water to the mix.

February- (I'm due this month so i am picking something simple so that i don't over do it.) Fleece Tie Blanket. This is what i will be doing. Different material, I will post pics after I'm done. I think i will do 2 of them, one for DD and one for DS that is due this month.

March- Make a springtime/easter wreath. I saw something on pinterest the other day and tried to repin it but it didn't work :( So i will have to find another one.

April- I'm going to be making Super Simple Leggings! I am so excited about doing these! I will probably being doing these as shorts and or a little past the knee for spring/summer time!

May- Homemade Face Wash I am REALLY excited about this one and might end up doing it before May!

June- Homemade Dryer Sheets Another one I'm really excited about! (we actually just ran out of dryer sheets so i may do this one now!)

July- DIY Bug Spray. I hate using bug spray on my kiddo's everything is so harsh and some stuff you shouldn't even use on children (why would i want to use that on myself?!)

August- Fold and Go Organizer, back to school time so ill be stocking up on crayons and pens and such so i may as well make an organizer or two!

September- Fabric Storage Boxes I think i will make a couple for each kid and some other rooms in the other house depending on how easy this is for me! (i LOVE, she has some amazing tutorials)

October- i will be making Halloween costumes this month YAY!

November- Pumpkin Spice Sugar Scrub thinking hostess gift or the like??

December- Rosemary Mint Sugar Scrub again a hostess gift

Do you have and DIY/Craft projects to share? What are you wanting to try this year?

I will also be doing once a month cooking project. Something I've never done, whether it be freezer cooking, canning, or whatever but I'll post on that later.

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