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Letters to Grandma 3/23/12

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Letters to Grandma 3/23/12

Happy Birthday Grandma Polly!

It will be 1 week tomorrow since you went home to be with the Jesus. I miss you SO much. I know your having a grand time with your Momma and Uncle Lucas and all your other family members that went on before you. Knowing that helps ease the sadness, but there is till so much I want to tell you, to show you, give you. So here I am starting a journal to tell you. I know it seems odd, but it's my way of healing and letting go. It's also my way of passing on things about you and the rest of our family to my kids and my nieces and nephews.

Oh Grandma, I wish I had spent more time with you, learning from you. Hugging you, kissing you, and loving you. I'm so glad Zoey got to know you and spend time with you. I only wish you could have held Jax. He is such a handsome boy Grandma. I know you know that and I know you will be watching Zoey and Jax grow up.

You would be so proud of Sammy Grandma! He is doing great as a car salesman! Who would've known?! Mr. Can't sit still, talks a mile a's perfect for him. He is awesome at his job! He even sat down and made a goal list for the next 3 years! He is even sticking to it! He wants to make you proud. I know you already are proud of him just like we are and always will be no matter what.

Aunt Mimi and Brian moved today. I miss her too. I need to get her phone number and address from the boys.

Oh well I better get some sleep while the kids are.

I love you Grandma!



At June 22, 2012 at 8:02 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

This is such a fabulous idea! I bet they get "mail" in heaven :) Keep writing those letters - you'll get her reply in your heart.

At June 25, 2012 at 10:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

:-) thank you!


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