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31 Days To Clean: Distractions

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

31 Days To Clean: Distractions

Day 1 and 2) I have so many good distractions! My wonderful hubby, my beautiful 3yo girl and my handsome 3 1/2 month old boy. These are also my biggest distractions. Hubby works odd hours so he is home a good portion of the day. So sometimes making sure I stay on track , instead of relaxing with him all day, is a little difficult. I'm getting better about it though. We all sit down for lunch, then he naps, the kids and I do whatever is planned for the day, then after dinner I sit down and relax with him and the kids before bed. It gets easier the more I make myself do it.
Then of course there are the other distractions, like Facebook, my iPad in general, talking on the phone (this is usually a good distraction too as I pretty much only talk to my sis, who lives a few states away, and my momma, and reading. I'm slowly learning how to carve out time for these things, that way I can still do them but at set times or after certain things get done.

What are your distractions? How do you handle them?

This is part of Sarah Mae's 31 Days to Clean-reboot.



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