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Accomplished a Goal and It Felt GREAT

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Accomplished a Goal and It Felt GREAT

On Sunday I had the chance to complete a goal of mine. I tackled The DC Color Run. It was a blast! we even had the chance to meet a fitblr we follow!

If you have never heard of The Color Run, it is a 5k that you can walk,run, bring your kids, use a jogging stroller...Whatever. It's the "happiest 5k on the planet". Anyways, at each kilometer there is color station, where they throw or spray colored corn starch on you. I know, I know. A little strange. It was SO much fun though.

Each area that The Color Run is held in has a different charity attached to it. D.C.'s was Childrens Hospital. I think it is a wonderful thing they have going there, Getting to help your community while doing something for yourself.

My dad came up and watched us run and hung out for a little while afterwards. You have NO IDEA how happy this made me. He knew I couldn't run the whole thing yet and yet he was still proud enough of the effort I was making to come cheer me on. I have a truly wonderful Father!

My friends and I were right at the start line! SOOO exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time! There were so many people there, SO MANY! We took off as soon as we could,then walked, then more running, you get the point. after you cross the finish line you get to throw your own color packet up with tons of other people.

I can't wait for next year..I promise you, I will Run the entire thing!

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